Coronavirus Statement
St Munda’s Manse is open for business and we look forward to welcoming our guests again.
We have made some changes to the way we run our bed and breakfast and have put measures in place to mitigate the risk of exposure to COVID 19.
We assure the highest standards of cleanliness and safety for our guests and here are some additional steps we have taken to prevent exposure to COVID 19.
Our two en-suite bedrooms and all fixtures and fittings will be thoroughly disinfected as will all shared areas, with a covid recommended cleaner.
Hand sanitiser will be available in the bedrooms and in all common areas and we would encourage guests to use them frequently.
Breakfast will be served in our spacious dining room with social distancing measures in place.
If you are showing signs of the virus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) or are concerned about being exposed to the virus please do not hesitate to email or call us on 07787929299 or 01855 811966 to cancel your reservation.
We will keep up to date with government advice and act in accordance with it.
Take care